
exception webargs.core.WebargsError[source]

Base class for all webargs-related errors.


Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.

exception webargs.core.ValidationError(message, status_code=422, headers=None, **kwargs)[source]

Raised when validation fails on user input. Same as marshmallow.ValidationError, with the addition of the status_code and headers arguments.


Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.


Generate a marshmallow.Schema class given a dictionary of argument names to Fields.


Return whether or not field handles repeated/multi-value arguments.

class webargs.core.Parser(locations=None, error_handler=None)[source]

Base parser class that provides high-level implementation for parsing a request.

Descendant classes must provide lower-level implementations for parsing different locations, e.g. parse_json, parse_querystring, etc.

  • locations (tuple) – Default locations to parse.

  • error_handler (callable) – Custom error handler function.


Default error message for validation errors


Default status code to return for validation errors


Invalidate the parser’s cache.


Decorator that registers a custom error handling function. The function should received the raised error and the request object. Overrides the parser’s handle_error method.


from webargs import core
parser = core.Parser()

class CustomError(Exception):

def handle_error(error, request):
    raise CustomError(error)

func (callable) – The error callback to register.


Optional override. Provides a hook for frameworks that use thread-local request objects.

get_request_from_view_args(view, args, kwargs)[source]

Optional override. Returns the request object to be parsed, given a view function’s args and kwargs.

Used by the use_args and use_kwargs to get a request object from a view’s arguments.

  • view (callable) – The view function or method being decorated by use_args or use_kwargs

  • args (tuple) – Positional arguments passed to view.

  • kwargs (dict) – Keyword arguments passed to view.

handle_error(error, req)[source]

Called if an error occurs while parsing args. By default, just logs and raises error.


Decorator that registers a function for parsing a request location. The wrapped function receives a request, the name of the argument, and the corresponding Field object.


from webargs import core
parser = core.Parser()

def parse_data(request, name, field):
    return request.data.get(name)

name (str) – The name of the location to register.

parse(argmap, req=None, locations=None, validate=None, force_all=False)[source]

Main request parsing method.

  • argmap – Either a marshmallow.Schema, a dict of argname -> marshmallow.fields.Field pairs, or a callable which accepts a request and returns a marshmallow.Schema.

  • req – The request object to parse.

  • locations (tuple) – Where on the request to search for values. Can include one or more of ('json', 'querystring', 'form', 'headers', 'cookies', 'files').

  • validate (callable) –

    Validation function or list of validation functions

    that receives the dictionary of parsed arguments. Validator either returns a boolean or raises a ValidationError.


    A dictionary of parsed arguments

parse_arg(name, field, req, locations=None)[source]

Parse a single argument from a request.


This method does not perform validation on the argument.

  • name (str) – The name of the value.

  • field (marshmallow.fields.Field) – The marshmallow Field for the request parameter.

  • req – The request object to parse.

  • locations (tuple) – The locations (‘json’, ‘querystring’, etc.) where to search for the value.


The unvalidated argument value or missing if the value cannot be found on the request.

parse_cookies(req, name, arg)[source]

Pull a cookie value from the request or return missing if the value cannot be found.

parse_files(req, name, arg)[source]

Pull a file from the request or return missing if the value file cannot be found.

parse_form(req, name, arg)[source]

Pull a value from the form data of a request object or return missing if the value cannot be found.

parse_headers(req, name, arg)[source]

Pull a value from the headers or return missing if the value cannot be found.

parse_json(req, name, arg)[source]

Pull a JSON value from a request object or return missing if the value cannot be found.

parse_querystring(req, name, arg)[source]

Pull a value from the query string of a request object or return missing if the value cannot be found.

use_args(argmap, req=None, locations=None, as_kwargs=False, validate=None)[source]

Decorator that injects parsed arguments into a view function or method.

Example usage with Flask:

@app.route('/echo', methods=['get', 'post'])
@parser.use_args({'name': fields.Str()})
def greet(args):
    return 'Hello ' + args['name']
  • argmap – Either a marshmallow.Schema, a dict of argname -> marshmallow.fields.Field pairs, or a callable which accepts a request and returns a marshmallow.Schema.

  • locations (tuple) – Where on the request to search for values.

  • as_kwargs (bool) – Whether to insert arguments as keyword arguments.

  • validate (callable) – Validation function that receives the dictionary of parsed arguments. If the function returns False, the parser will raise a ValidationError.

use_kwargs(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Decorator that injects parsed arguments into a view function or method as keyword arguments.

This is a shortcut to use_args() with as_kwargs=True.

Example usage with Flask:

@app.route('/echo', methods=['get', 'post'])
@parser.use_kwargs({'name': fields.Str()})
def greet(name):
    return 'Hello ' + name

Receives the same args and kwargs as use_args().

webargs.core.get_value(data, name, field, allow_many_nested=False)[source]

Get a value from a dictionary. Handles MultiDict types when multiple=True. If the value is not found, return missing.

  • data (object) – Mapping (e.g. dict) or list-like instance to pull the value from.

  • name (str) – Name of the key.

  • multiple (bool) – Whether to handle multiple values.

  • allow_many_nested (bool) – Whether to allow a list of nested objects (it is valid only for JSON format, so it is set to True in parse_json methods).


Field classes.

Includes all fields from marshmallow.fields in addition to a custom Nested field and DelimitedList.

All fields can optionally take a special location keyword argument, which tells webargs where to parse the request argument from.

args = {
    'active': fields.Bool(location='query')
    'content_type': fields.Str(data_key='Content-Type',

Note: data_key replaced load_from in marshmallow 3. When using marshmallow 2, use load_from.

class webargs.fields.Nested(nested, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Same as marshmallow.fields.Nested, except can be passed a dictionary as the first argument, which will be converted to a marshmallow.Schema.

class webargs.fields.DelimitedList(cls_or_instance, delimiter=None, as_string=False, **kwargs)[source]

Same as marshmallow.fields.List, except can load from either a list or a delimited string (e.g. “foo,bar,baz”).

  • cls_or_instance (Field) – A field class or instance.

  • delimiter (str) – Delimiter between values.

  • as_string (bool) – Dump values to string.


Asynchronous request parser. Compatible with Python>=3.4.

class webargs.async.AsyncParser(locations=None, error_handler=None)[source]

Asynchronous variant of webargs.core.Parser, where parsing methods may be either coroutines or regular methods.


Invalidate the parser’s cache.


Decorator that registers a custom error handling function. The function should received the raised error and the request object. Overrides the parser’s handle_error method.


from webargs import core
parser = core.Parser()

class CustomError(Exception):

def handle_error(error, request):
    raise CustomError(error)

func (callable) – The error callback to register.


Optional override. Provides a hook for frameworks that use thread-local request objects.

get_request_from_view_args(view, args, kwargs)

Optional override. Returns the request object to be parsed, given a view function’s args and kwargs.

Used by the use_args and use_kwargs to get a request object from a view’s arguments.

  • view (callable) – The view function or method being decorated by use_args or use_kwargs

  • args (tuple) – Positional arguments passed to view.

  • kwargs (dict) – Keyword arguments passed to view.

handle_error(error, req)

Called if an error occurs while parsing args. By default, just logs and raises error.


Decorator that registers a function for parsing a request location. The wrapped function receives a request, the name of the argument, and the corresponding Field object.


from webargs import core
parser = core.Parser()

def parse_data(request, name, field):
    return request.data.get(name)

name (str) – The name of the location to register.

parse(argmap, req=None, locations=None, validate=None, force_all=False)[source]

Coroutine variant of webargs.core.Parser.

Receives the same arguments as webargs.core.Parser.parse.

parse_arg(name, field, req, locations=None)[source]

Parse a single argument from a request.


This method does not perform validation on the argument.

  • name (str) – The name of the value.

  • field (marshmallow.fields.Field) – The marshmallow Field for the request parameter.

  • req – The request object to parse.

  • locations (tuple) – The locations (‘json’, ‘querystring’, etc.) where to search for the value.


The unvalidated argument value or missing if the value cannot be found on the request.

parse_cookies(req, name, arg)

Pull a cookie value from the request or return missing if the value cannot be found.

parse_files(req, name, arg)

Pull a file from the request or return missing if the value file cannot be found.

parse_form(req, name, arg)

Pull a value from the form data of a request object or return missing if the value cannot be found.

parse_headers(req, name, arg)

Pull a value from the headers or return missing if the value cannot be found.

parse_json(req, name, arg)

Pull a JSON value from a request object or return missing if the value cannot be found.

parse_querystring(req, name, arg)

Pull a value from the query string of a request object or return missing if the value cannot be found.

use_args(argmap, req=None, locations=None, as_kwargs=False, validate=None)

Decorator that injects parsed arguments into a view function or method.

Receives the same arguments as webargs.core.Parser.use_args.

use_kwargs(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Decorator that injects parsed arguments into a view function or method.

Receives the same arguments as webargs.core.Parser.use_kwargs.


Flask request argument parsing module.


from flask import Flask

from webargs import fields
from webargs.flaskparser import use_args

app = Flask(__name__)

hello_args = {
    'name': fields.Str(required=True)

def index(args):
    return 'Hello ' + args['name']
class webargs.flaskparser.FlaskParser(locations=None, error_handler=None)[source]

Flask request argument parser.


Override to use Flask’s thread-local request objec by default

handle_error(error, req)[source]

Handles errors during parsing. Aborts the current HTTP request and responds with a 422 error.

parse_cookies(req, name, field)[source]

Pull a value from the cookiejar.

parse_files(req, name, field)[source]

Pull a file from the request.

parse_form(req, name, field)[source]

Pull a form value from the request.

parse_headers(req, name, field)[source]

Pull a value from the header data.

parse_json(req, name, field)[source]

Pull a json value from the request.

parse_querystring(req, name, field)[source]

Pull a querystring value from the request.

parse_view_args(req, name, field)[source]

Pull a value from the request’s view_args.

webargs.flaskparser.abort(http_status_code, exc=None, **kwargs)[source]

Raise a HTTPException for the given http_status_code. Attach any keyword arguments to the exception for later processing.

From Flask-Restful. See NOTICE file for license information.


Django request argument parsing.

Example usage:

from django.views.generic import View
from django.http import HttpResponse
from marshmallow import fields
from webargs.djangoparser import use_args

hello_args = {
    'name': fields.Str(missing='World')

class MyView(View):

    def get(self, args, request):
        return HttpResponse('Hello ' + args['name'])
class webargs.djangoparser.DjangoParser(locations=None, error_handler=None)[source]

Django request argument parser.


DjangoParser does not override handle_error, so your Django views are responsible for catching any ValidationErrors raised by the parser and returning the appropriate HTTPResponse.

get_request_from_view_args(view, args, kwargs)[source]

Optional override. Returns the request object to be parsed, given a view function’s args and kwargs.

Used by the use_args and use_kwargs to get a request object from a view’s arguments.

  • view (callable) – The view function or method being decorated by use_args or use_kwargs

  • args (tuple) – Positional arguments passed to view.

  • kwargs (dict) – Keyword arguments passed to view.

parse_cookies(req, name, field)[source]

Pull the value from the cookiejar.

parse_files(req, name, field)[source]

Pull a file from the request.

parse_form(req, name, field)[source]

Pull the form value from the request.

parse_headers(req, name, field)[source]

Pull a value from the headers or return missing if the value cannot be found.

parse_json(req, name, field)[source]

Pull a json value from the request body.

parse_querystring(req, name, field)[source]

Pull the querystring value from the request.


Bottle request argument parsing module.


from bottle import route, run
from marshmallow import fields
from webargs.bottleparser import use_args

hello_args = {
    'name': fields.Str(missing='World')
@route('/', method='GET', apply=use_args(hello_args))
def index(args):
    return 'Hello ' + args['name']

if __name__ == '__main__':
class webargs.bottleparser.BottleParser(locations=None, error_handler=None)[source]

Bottle.py request argument parser.


Override to use bottle’s thread-local request object by default.

handle_error(error, req)[source]

Handles errors during parsing. Aborts the current request with a 400 error.

parse_cookies(req, name, field)[source]

Pull a value from the cookiejar.

parse_files(req, name, field)[source]

Pull a file from the request.

parse_form(req, name, field)[source]

Pull a form value from the request.

parse_headers(req, name, field)[source]

Pull a value from the header data.

parse_json(req, name, field)[source]

Pull a json value from the request.

parse_querystring(req, name, field)[source]

Pull a querystring value from the request.


Tornado request argument parsing module.


import tornado.web
from marshmallow import fields
from webargs.tornadoparser import use_args

class HelloHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):

    @use_args({'name': fields.Str(missing='World')})
    def get(self, args):
        response = {'message': 'Hello {}'.format(args['name'])}
exception webargs.tornadoparser.HTTPError(*args, **kwargs)[source]

tornado.web.HTTPError that stores validation errors.

class webargs.tornadoparser.TornadoParser(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Tornado request argument parser.

get_request_from_view_args(view, args, kwargs)[source]

Optional override. Returns the request object to be parsed, given a view function’s args and kwargs.

Used by the use_args and use_kwargs to get a request object from a view’s arguments.

  • view (callable) – The view function or method being decorated by use_args or use_kwargs

  • args (tuple) – Positional arguments passed to view.

  • kwargs (dict) – Keyword arguments passed to view.

handle_error(error, req)[source]

Handles errors during parsing. Raises a tornado.web.HTTPError with a 400 error.

parse_cookies(req, name, field)[source]

Pull a value from the header data.

parse_files(req, name, field)[source]

Pull a file from the request.

parse_form(req, name, field)[source]

Pull a form value from the request.

parse_headers(req, name, field)[source]

Pull a value from the header data.

parse_json(req, name, field)[source]

Pull a json value from the request.

parse_querystring(req, name, field)[source]

Pull a querystring value from the request.

webargs.tornadoparser.decode_argument(value, name=None)[source]

Decodes an argument from the request.

webargs.tornadoparser.get_value(d, name, field)[source]

Handle gets from ‘multidicts’ made of lists

It handles cases: {"key": [value]} and {"key": value}


Return the decoded JSON body from the request.


Pyramid request argument parsing.

Example usage:

from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server
from pyramid.config import Configurator
from pyramid.response import Response
from marshmallow import fields
from webargs.pyramidparser import use_args

hello_args = {
    'name': fields.Str(missing='World')

def hello_world(request, args):
    return Response('Hello ' + args['name'])

if __name__ == '__main__':
    config = Configurator()
    config.add_route('hello', '/')
    config.add_view(hello_world, route_name='hello')
    app = config.make_wsgi_app()
    server = make_server('', 6543, app)
class webargs.pyramidparser.PyramidParser(locations=None, error_handler=None)[source]

Pyramid request argument parser.

handle_error(error, req)[source]

Handles errors during parsing. Aborts the current HTTP request and responds with a 400 error.

parse_cookies(req, name, field)[source]

Pull the value from the cookiejar.

parse_files(req, name, field)[source]

Pull a file from the request.

parse_form(req, name, field)[source]

Pull a form value from the request.

parse_headers(req, name, field)[source]

Pull a value from the header data.

parse_json(req, name, field)[source]

Pull a json value from the request.

parse_matchdict(req, name, field)[source]

Pull a value from the request’s matchdict.

parse_querystring(req, name, field)[source]

Pull a querystring value from the request.

use_args(argmap, req=None, locations='querystring', 'form', 'json', as_kwargs=False, validate=None)[source]

Decorator that injects parsed arguments into a view callable. Supports the Class-based View pattern where request is saved as an instance attribute on a view class.

  • argmap (dict) – Either a marshmallow.Schema, a dict of argname -> marshmallow.fields.Field pairs, or a callable which accepts a request and returns a marshmallow.Schema.

  • req – The request object to parse. Pulled off of the view by default.

  • locations (tuple) – Where on the request to search for values.

  • as_kwargs (bool) – Whether to insert arguments as keyword arguments.

  • validate (callable) – Validation function that receives the dictionary of parsed arguments. If the function returns False, the parser will raise a ValidationError.

webargs.pyramidparser.use_args(argmap, req=None, locations='querystring', 'form', 'json', as_kwargs=False, validate=None)

Decorator that injects parsed arguments into a view callable. Supports the Class-based View pattern where request is saved as an instance attribute on a view class.

  • argmap (dict) – Either a marshmallow.Schema, a dict of argname -> marshmallow.fields.Field pairs, or a callable which accepts a request and returns a marshmallow.Schema.

  • req – The request object to parse. Pulled off of the view by default.

  • locations (tuple) – Where on the request to search for values.

  • as_kwargs (bool) – Whether to insert arguments as keyword arguments.

  • validate (callable) – Validation function that receives the dictionary of parsed arguments. If the function returns False, the parser will raise a ValidationError.


Webapp2 request argument parsing module.


import webapp2

from marshmallow import fields
from webargs.webobparser import use_args

hello_args = {
    'name': fields.Str(missing='World')

class MainPage(webapp2.RequestHandler):

    def get_args(self, args):
        self.response.write('Hello, {name}!'.format(name=args['name']))

    def get_kwargs(self, name=None):
        self.response.write('Hello, {name}!'.format(name=name))

app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([
    webapp2.Route(r'/hello', MainPage, handler_method='get_args'),
    webapp2.Route(r'/hello_dict', MainPage, handler_method='get_kwargs'),
], debug=True)
class webargs.webapp2parser.Webapp2Parser(locations=None, error_handler=None)[source]

webapp2 request argument parser.


Optional override. Provides a hook for frameworks that use thread-local request objects.

parse_cookies(req, name, field)[source]

Pull the value from the cookiejar.

parse_files(req, name, field)[source]

Pull a file from the request.

parse_form(req, name, field)[source]

Pull a form value from the request.

parse_headers(req, name, field)[source]

Pull a value from the header data.

parse_json(req, name, field)[source]

Pull a json value from the request.

parse_querystring(req, name, field)[source]

Pull a querystring value from the request.


Falcon request argument parsing module.

class webargs.falconparser.FalconParser(locations=None, error_handler=None)[source]

Falcon request argument parser.

get_request_from_view_args(view, args, kwargs)[source]

Get request from a resource method’s arguments. Assumes that request is the second argument.

handle_error(error, req)[source]

Handles errors during parsing.

parse_cookies(req, name, field)[source]

Pull a cookie value from the request.

parse_files(req, name, field)[source]

Pull a file from the request or return missing if the value file cannot be found.

parse_form(req, name, field)[source]

Pull a form value from the request.


The request stream will be read and left at EOF.

parse_headers(req, name, field)[source]

Pull a header value from the request.

parse_json(req, name, field)[source]

Pull a JSON body value from the request.


The request stream will be read and left at EOF.

parse_querystring(req, name, field)[source]

Pull a querystring value from the request.

exception webargs.falconparser.HTTPError(status, errors, *args, **kwargs)[source]

HTTPError that stores a dictionary of validation error messages.

to_dict(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Override falcon.HTTPError to include error messages in responses.


aiohttp request argument parsing module.


import asyncio
from aiohttp import web

from webargs import fields
from webargs.aiohttpparser import use_args

hello_args = {
    'name': fields.Str(required=True)
def index(request, args):
    return web.Response(
        body='Hello {}'.format(args['name']).encode('utf-8')

app = web.Application()
app.router.add_route('GET', '/', index)
class webargs.aiohttpparser.AIOHTTPParser(locations=None, error_handler=None)[source]

aiohttp request argument parser.

get_request_from_view_args(view, args, kwargs)[source]

Get request object from a handler function or method. Used internally by use_args and use_kwargs.

handle_error(error, req)[source]

Handle ValidationErrors and return a JSON response of error messages to the client.

parse_cookies(req, name, field)[source]

Pull a value from the cookiejar.

parse_files(req, name, field)[source]

Pull a file from the request or return missing if the value file cannot be found.

parse_form(req, name, field)[source]

Pull a form value from the request.

parse_headers(req, name, field)[source]

Pull a value from the header data.

parse_json(req, name, field)[source]

Pull a json value from the request.

parse_match_info(req, name, field)[source]

Pull a value from the request’s match_info.

parse_querystring(req, name, field)[source]

Pull a querystring value from the request.

exception webargs.aiohttpparser.HTTPUnprocessableEntity(*, headers: Union[Mapping[str, str], multidict._multidict.CIMultiDict, multidict._multidict.CIMultiDictProxy, None] = None, reason: Optional[str] = None, body: Any = None, text: Optional[str] = None, content_type: Optional[str] = None)[source]