Source code for webargs.fields

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Field classes.

Includes all fields from `marshmallow.fields` in addition to a custom
`Nested` field and `DelimitedList`.

All fields can optionally take a special `location` keyword argument, which tells webargs
where to parse the request argument from. ::

    args = {
        'active': fields.Bool(location='query')
        'content_type': fields.Str(data_key='Content-Type',

Note: `data_key` replaced `load_from` in marshmallow 3. When using marshmallow 2, use `load_from`.
import marshmallow as ma

from webargs.core import argmap2schema

__all__ = [
# Expose all fields from marshmallow.fields.
# We do this instead of 'from marshmallow.fields import *' because webargs
# has its own subclass of Nested
for each in (field_name for field_name in ma.fields.__all__ if field_name != 'Nested'):
    globals()[each] = getattr(ma.fields, each)

[docs]class Nested(ma.fields.Nested): """Same as `marshmallow.fields.Nested`, except can be passed a dictionary as the first argument, which will be converted to a `marshmallow.Schema`. """ def __init__(self, nested, *args, **kwargs): if isinstance(nested, dict): nested = argmap2schema(nested) super(Nested, self).__init__(nested, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]class DelimitedList(ma.fields.List): """Same as `marshmallow.fields.List`, except can load from either a list or a delimited string (e.g. "foo,bar,baz"). :param Field cls_or_instance: A field class or instance. :param str delimiter: Delimiter between values. :param bool as_string: Dump values to string. """ delimiter = ',' def __init__(self, cls_or_instance, delimiter=None, as_string=False, **kwargs): self.delimiter = delimiter or self.delimiter self.as_string = as_string super(DelimitedList, self).__init__(cls_or_instance, **kwargs) def _serialize(self, value, attr, obj): ret = super(DelimitedList, self)._serialize(value, attr, obj) if self.as_string: return self.delimiter.join(format(each) for each in value) return ret def _deserialize(self, value, attr, data): try: ret = ( value if ma.utils.is_iterable_but_not_string(value) else value.split(self.delimiter) ) except AttributeError:'invalid') return super(DelimitedList, self)._deserialize(ret, attr, data)