Source code for webargs.djangoparser

"""Django request argument parsing.

Example usage: ::

    from django.views.generic import View
    from django.http import HttpResponse
    from marshmallow import fields
    from webargs.djangoparser import use_args

    hello_args = {
        'name': fields.Str(load_default='World')

    class MyView(View):

        def get(self, args, request):
            return HttpResponse('Hello ' + args['name'])

import django
import django.http

from webargs import core

def is_json_request(req):
    return core.is_json(req.content_type)

[docs] class DjangoParser(core.Parser[django.http.HttpRequest]): """Django request argument parser. .. warning:: :class:`DjangoParser` does not override :meth:`handle_error <webargs.core.Parser.handle_error>`, so your Django views are responsible for catching any :exc:`ValidationErrors` raised by the parser and returning the appropriate `HTTPResponse`. """ def _raw_load_json(self, req: django.http.HttpRequest): """Read a json payload from the request for the core parser's load_json Checks the input mimetype and may return 'missing' if the mimetype is non-json, even if the request body is parseable as json.""" if not is_json_request(req): return core.missing return core.parse_json(req.body)
[docs] def load_querystring(self, req: django.http.HttpRequest, schema): """Return query params from the request as a MultiDictProxy.""" return self._makeproxy(req.GET, schema)
[docs] def load_form(self, req: django.http.HttpRequest, schema): """Return form values from the request as a MultiDictProxy.""" return self._makeproxy(req.POST, schema)
[docs] def load_cookies(self, req: django.http.HttpRequest, schema): """Return cookies from the request.""" return req.COOKIES
[docs] def load_headers(self, req: django.http.HttpRequest, schema): """Return headers from the request.""" # Django's HttpRequest.headers is a case-insensitive dict type, but it # isn't a multidict, so this is not proxied return req.headers
[docs] def load_files(self, req: django.http.HttpRequest, schema): """Return files from the request as a MultiDictProxy.""" return self._makeproxy(req.FILES, schema)
[docs] def get_request_from_view_args(self, view, args, kwargs): # The first argument is either `self` or `request` try: # self.request return args[0].request except AttributeError: # first arg is request return args[0]
parser = DjangoParser() use_args = parser.use_args use_kwargs = parser.use_kwargs