Source code for webargs.core

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import functools
import json
import logging
import typing

import marshmallow as ma
from marshmallow import ValidationError
from marshmallow.utils import missing

from webargs.multidictproxy import MultiDictProxy

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = [

Request = typing.TypeVar("Request")
ArgMap = typing.Union[
    typing.Mapping[str, typing.Union[ma.fields.Field, typing.Type[ma.fields.Field]]],
    typing.Callable[[Request], ma.Schema],

ValidateArg = typing.Union[None, typing.Callable, typing.Iterable[typing.Callable]]
CallableList = typing.List[typing.Callable]
ErrorHandler = typing.Callable[..., typing.NoReturn]
# generic type var with no particular meaning
T = typing.TypeVar("T")
# type var for callables, to make type-preserving decorators
C = typing.TypeVar("C", bound=typing.Callable)
# type var for multidict proxy classes
MultiDictProxyT = typing.TypeVar("MultiDictProxyT", bound=MultiDictProxy)
# type var for a callable which is an error handler
# used to ensure that the error_handler decorator is type preserving
ErrorHandlerT = typing.TypeVar("ErrorHandlerT", bound=ErrorHandler)

AsyncErrorHandler = typing.Callable[..., typing.Awaitable[typing.NoReturn]]

# a value used as the default for arguments, so that when `None` is passed, it
# can be distinguished from the default value


def _record_arg_name(f: typing.Callable[..., typing.Any], argname: str | None) -> None:
    if argname is None:
    if not hasattr(f, "__webargs_argnames__"):
        f.__webargs_argnames__ = ()  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
    f.__webargs_argnames__ += (argname,)  # type: ignore[attr-defined]

def _iscallable(x: typing.Any) -> bool:
    # workaround for
    return callable(x)

def _callable_or_raise(obj: T | None) -> T | None:
    """Makes sure an object is callable if it is not ``None``. If not
    callable, a ValueError is raised.
    if obj and not _iscallable(obj):
        raise ValueError(f"{obj!r} is not callable.")
    return obj

def get_mimetype(content_type: str) -> str:
    return content_type.split(";")[0].strip()

# Adapted from werkzeug:
def is_json(mimetype: str | None) -> bool:
    """Indicates if this mimetype is JSON or not.  By default a request
    is considered to include JSON data if the mimetype is
    ``application/json`` or ``application/*+json``.
    if not mimetype:
        return False
    if ";" in mimetype:  # Allow Content-Type header to be passed
        mimetype = get_mimetype(mimetype)
    if mimetype == "application/json":
        return True
    if mimetype.startswith("application/") and mimetype.endswith("+json"):
        return True
    return False

def parse_json(s: typing.AnyStr, *, encoding: str = "utf-8") -> typing.Any:
    if isinstance(s, str):
        decoded = s
            decoded = s.decode(encoding)
        except UnicodeDecodeError as exc:
            raise json.JSONDecodeError(
                f"Bytes decoding error : {exc.reason}",
            ) from exc
    return json.loads(decoded)

def _ensure_list_of_callables(obj: typing.Any) -> CallableList:
    if obj:
        if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
            validators = typing.cast(CallableList, list(obj))
        elif callable(obj):
            validators = [obj]
            raise ValueError(f"{obj!r} is not a callable or list of callables.")
        validators = []
    return validators

[docs] class Parser(typing.Generic[Request]): """Base parser class that provides high-level implementation for parsing a request. Descendant classes must provide lower-level implementations for reading data from different locations, e.g. ``load_json``, ``load_querystring``, etc. :param str location: Default location to use for data :param str unknown: A default value to pass for ``unknown`` when calling the schema's ``load`` method. Defaults to ``marshmallow.EXCLUDE`` for non-body locations and ``marshmallow.RAISE`` for request bodies. Pass ``None`` to use the schema's setting instead. :param callable error_handler: Custom error handler function. """ #: Default location to check for data DEFAULT_LOCATION: str = "json" #: Default value to use for 'unknown' on schema load # on a per-location basis DEFAULT_UNKNOWN_BY_LOCATION: dict[str, str | None] = { "json": None, "form": None, "json_or_form": None, "querystring": ma.EXCLUDE, "query": ma.EXCLUDE, "headers": ma.EXCLUDE, "cookies": ma.EXCLUDE, "files": ma.EXCLUDE, } #: The marshmallow Schema class to use when creating new schemas DEFAULT_SCHEMA_CLASS: type[ma.Schema] = ma.Schema #: Default status code to return for validation errors DEFAULT_VALIDATION_STATUS: int = DEFAULT_VALIDATION_STATUS #: Default error message for validation errors DEFAULT_VALIDATION_MESSAGE: str = "Invalid value." #: field types which should always be treated as if they set `is_multiple=True` KNOWN_MULTI_FIELDS: list[type] = [ma.fields.List, ma.fields.Tuple] #: set use_args to use a positional argument (rather than a keyword argument) # defaults to True, but will become False in a future major version USE_ARGS_POSITIONAL: bool = True #: Maps location => method name __location_map__: dict[str, str | typing.Callable] = { "json": "load_json", "querystring": "load_querystring", "query": "load_querystring", "form": "load_form", "headers": "load_headers", "cookies": "load_cookies", "files": "load_files", "json_or_form": "load_json_or_form", } def __init__( self, location: str | None = None, *, unknown: str | None = _UNKNOWN_DEFAULT_PARAM, error_handler: ErrorHandler | None = None, schema_class: type[ma.Schema] | None = None, ) -> None: self.location = location or self.DEFAULT_LOCATION self.error_callback: ErrorHandler | None = _callable_or_raise(error_handler) self.schema_class = schema_class or self.DEFAULT_SCHEMA_CLASS self.unknown = unknown def _makeproxy( self, multidict: typing.Any, schema: ma.Schema, *, cls: type[MultiDictProxyT] | type[MultiDictProxy] = MultiDictProxy, ) -> MultiDictProxyT | MultiDictProxy: """Create a multidict proxy object with options from the current parser""" return cls(multidict, schema, known_multi_fields=tuple(self.KNOWN_MULTI_FIELDS)) def _get_loader(self, location: str) -> typing.Callable: """Get the loader function for the given location. :raises: ValueError if a given location is invalid. """ valid_locations = set(self.__location_map__.keys()) if location not in valid_locations: raise ValueError(f"Invalid location argument: {location}") # Parsing function to call # May be a method name (str) or a function func = self.__location_map__[location] if isinstance(func, str): return getattr(self, func) return func def _load_location_data( self, *, schema: ma.Schema, req: Request, location: str ) -> typing.Any: """Return a dictionary-like object for the location on the given request. Needs to have the schema in hand in order to correctly handle loading lists from multidict objects and `many=True` schemas. """ loader_func = self._get_loader(location) return loader_func(req, schema) async def _async_load_location_data( self, schema: ma.Schema, req: Request, location: str ) -> typing.Any: # an async variant of the _load_location_data method # the loader function itself may or may not be async loader_func = self._get_loader(location) if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(loader_func): data = await loader_func(req, schema) else: data = loader_func(req, schema) return data def _on_validation_error( self, error: ValidationError, req: Request, schema: ma.Schema, location: str, *, error_status_code: int | None, error_headers: typing.Mapping[str, str] | None, ) -> typing.NoReturn: # rewrite messages to be namespaced under the location which created # them # e.g. {"json":{"foo":["Not a valid integer."]}} # instead of # {"foo":["Not a valid integer."]} error.messages = {location: error.messages} error_handler: ErrorHandler = self.error_callback or self.handle_error error_handler( error, req, schema, error_status_code=error_status_code, error_headers=error_headers, ) async def _async_on_validation_error( self, error: ValidationError, req: Request, schema: ma.Schema, location: str, *, error_status_code: int | None, error_headers: typing.Mapping[str, str] | None, ) -> typing.NoReturn: # an async-aware variant of the _on_validation_error method error.messages = {location: error.messages} error_handler = self.error_callback or self.handle_error # an async error handler was registered, await it if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(error_handler): async_error_handler = typing.cast(AsyncErrorHandler, error_handler) await async_error_handler( error, req, schema, error_status_code=error_status_code, error_headers=error_headers, ) # the error handler was synchronous (e.g. Parser.handle_error) so it # will raise an error else: error_handler( error, req, schema, error_status_code=error_status_code, error_headers=error_headers, ) def _validate_arguments(self, data: typing.Any, validators: CallableList) -> None: # although `data` is typically a Mapping, nothing forbids a `schema.load` # from returning an arbitrary object subject to validators for validator in validators: if validator(data) is False: msg = self.DEFAULT_VALIDATION_MESSAGE raise ValidationError(msg, data=data) def _get_schema(self, argmap: ArgMap, req: Request) -> ma.Schema: """Return a `marshmallow.Schema` for the given argmap and request. :param argmap: Either a `marshmallow.Schema`, `dict` of argname -> `marshmallow.fields.Field` pairs, or a callable that returns a `marshmallow.Schema` instance. :param req: The request object being parsed. :rtype: marshmallow.Schema """ if isinstance(argmap, ma.Schema): schema = argmap elif isinstance(argmap, type) and issubclass(argmap, ma.Schema): schema = argmap() elif callable(argmap): schema = argmap(req) elif isinstance(argmap, typing.Mapping): if not isinstance(argmap, dict): argmap = dict(argmap) schema = self.schema_class.from_dict(argmap)() else: raise TypeError(f"argmap was of unexpected type {type(argmap)}") return schema def _prepare_for_parse( self, argmap: ArgMap, req: Request | None = None, location: str | None = None, unknown: str | None = _UNKNOWN_DEFAULT_PARAM, validate: ValidateArg = None, ) -> tuple[None, Request, str, CallableList, ma.Schema]: # validate parse() arguments and handle defaults # (shared between sync and async variants) req = req if req is not None else self.get_default_request() if req is None: raise ValueError("Must pass req object") location = location or self.location validators = _ensure_list_of_callables(validate) schema = self._get_schema(argmap, req) return (None, req, location, validators, schema) def _process_location_data( self, location_data: typing.Any, schema: ma.Schema, req: Request, location: str, unknown: str | None, validators: CallableList, ) -> typing.Any: # after the data has been fetched from a registered location, # this is how it is processed # (shared between sync and async variants) # when the desired location is empty (no data), provide an empty # dict as the default so that optional arguments in a location # (e.g. optional JSON body) work smoothly if location_data is missing: location_data = {} # precedence order: explicit, instance setting, default per location unknown = ( unknown if unknown != _UNKNOWN_DEFAULT_PARAM else ( self.unknown if self.unknown != _UNKNOWN_DEFAULT_PARAM else self.DEFAULT_UNKNOWN_BY_LOCATION.get(location) ) ) load_kwargs: dict[str, typing.Any] = {"unknown": unknown} if unknown else {} preprocessed_data = self.pre_load( location_data, schema=schema, req=req, location=location ) data = schema.load(preprocessed_data, **load_kwargs) self._validate_arguments(data, validators) return data
[docs] def parse( self, argmap: ArgMap, req: Request | None = None, *, location: str | None = None, unknown: str | None = _UNKNOWN_DEFAULT_PARAM, validate: ValidateArg = None, error_status_code: int | None = None, error_headers: typing.Mapping[str, str] | None = None, ) -> typing.Any: """Main request parsing method. :param argmap: Either a `marshmallow.Schema`, a `dict` of argname -> `marshmallow.fields.Field` pairs, or a callable which accepts a request and returns a `marshmallow.Schema`. :param req: The request object to parse. :param str location: Where on the request to load values. Can be any of the values in :py:attr:`~__location_map__`. By default, that means one of ``('json', 'query', 'querystring', 'form', 'headers', 'cookies', 'files', 'json_or_form')``. :param str unknown: A value to pass for ``unknown`` when calling the schema's ``load`` method. Defaults to ``marshmallow.EXCLUDE`` for non-body locations and ``marshmallow.RAISE`` for request bodies. Pass ``None`` to use the schema's setting instead. :param callable validate: Validation function or list of validation functions that receives the dictionary of parsed arguments. Validator either returns a boolean or raises a :exc:`ValidationError`. :param int error_status_code: Status code passed to error handler functions when a `ValidationError` is raised. :param dict error_headers: Headers passed to error handler functions when a a `ValidationError` is raised. :return: A dictionary of parsed arguments """ data, req, location, validators, schema = self._prepare_for_parse( argmap, req, location, unknown, validate ) try: location_data = self._load_location_data( schema=schema, req=req, location=location ) data = self._process_location_data( location_data, schema, req, location, unknown, validators ) except ma.exceptions.ValidationError as error: self._on_validation_error( error, req, schema, location, error_status_code=error_status_code, error_headers=error_headers, ) raise ValueError( "_on_validation_error hook did not raise an exception" ) from error return data
[docs] async def async_parse( self, argmap: ArgMap, req: Request | None = None, *, location: str | None = None, unknown: str | None = _UNKNOWN_DEFAULT_PARAM, validate: ValidateArg = None, error_status_code: int | None = None, error_headers: typing.Mapping[str, str] | None = None, ) -> typing.Any: """Coroutine variant of `webargs.core.Parser.parse`. Receives the same arguments as `webargs.core.Parser.parse`. """ data, req, location, validators, schema = self._prepare_for_parse( argmap, req, location, unknown, validate ) try: location_data = await self._async_load_location_data( schema=schema, req=req, location=location ) data = self._process_location_data( location_data, schema, req, location, unknown, validators ) except ma.exceptions.ValidationError as error: await self._async_on_validation_error( error, req, schema, location, error_status_code=error_status_code, error_headers=error_headers, ) raise ValueError( "_on_validation_error hook did not raise an exception" ) from error return data
[docs] def get_default_request(self) -> Request | None: """Optional override. Provides a hook for frameworks that use thread-local request objects. """ return None
[docs] def get_request_from_view_args( self, view: typing.Callable, args: tuple, kwargs: typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any], ) -> Request | None: """Optional override. Returns the request object to be parsed, given a view function's args and kwargs. Used by the `use_args` and `use_kwargs` to get a request object from a view's arguments. :param callable view: The view function or method being decorated by `use_args` or `use_kwargs` :param tuple args: Positional arguments passed to ``view``. :param dict kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to ``view``. """ return None
@staticmethod def _update_args_kwargs( args: tuple, kwargs: dict[str, typing.Any], parsed_args: dict[str, typing.Any], as_kwargs: bool, arg_name: str | None, ) -> tuple[tuple, dict[str, typing.Any]]: """Update args or kwargs with parsed_args depending on as_kwargs""" if as_kwargs: # expand parsed_args into kwargs kwargs.update(parsed_args) else: if arg_name: # add parsed_args as a specific kwarg kwargs[arg_name] = parsed_args else: # Add parsed_args after other positional arguments args += (parsed_args,) return args, kwargs
[docs] def use_args( self, argmap: ArgMap, req: Request | None = None, *, location: str | None = None, unknown: str | None = _UNKNOWN_DEFAULT_PARAM, as_kwargs: bool = False, arg_name: str | None = None, validate: ValidateArg = None, error_status_code: int | None = None, error_headers: typing.Mapping[str, str] | None = None, ) -> typing.Callable[..., typing.Callable]: """Decorator that injects parsed arguments into a view function or method. Example usage with Flask: :: @app.route('/echo', methods=['get', 'post']) @parser.use_args({'name': fields.Str()}, location="querystring") def greet(querystring_args): return 'Hello ' + querystring_args['name'] :param argmap: Either a `marshmallow.Schema`, a `dict` of argname -> `marshmallow.fields.Field` pairs, or a callable which accepts a request and returns a `marshmallow.Schema`. :param str location: Where on the request to load values. :param str unknown: A value to pass for ``unknown`` when calling the schema's ``load`` method. :param bool as_kwargs: Whether to insert arguments as keyword arguments. :param str arg_name: Keyword argument name to use for arguments. Mutually exclusive with as_kwargs. :param callable validate: Validation function that receives the dictionary of parsed arguments. If the function returns ``False``, the parser will raise a :exc:`ValidationError`. :param int error_status_code: Status code passed to error handler functions when a `ValidationError` is raised. :param dict error_headers: Headers passed to error handler functions when a a `ValidationError` is raised. """ location = location or self.location request_obj = req # Optimization: If argmap is passed as a dictionary, we only need # to generate a Schema once if isinstance(argmap, typing.Mapping): if not isinstance(argmap, dict): argmap = dict(argmap) argmap = self.schema_class.from_dict(argmap)() if arg_name is not None and as_kwargs: raise ValueError("arg_name and as_kwargs are mutually exclusive") if arg_name is None and not self.USE_ARGS_POSITIONAL: arg_name = self.get_default_arg_name(location, argmap) def decorator(func: typing.Callable) -> typing.Callable: req_ = request_obj # check at decoration time that a unique name is being used # (no arg_name conflicts) if arg_name is not None and not as_kwargs: existing_arg_names = getattr(func, "__webargs_argnames__", ()) if arg_name in existing_arg_names: raise ValueError( f"Attempted to pass `arg_name='{arg_name}'` via use_args() but " "that name was already used. If this came from stacked webargs " "decorators, try setting `arg_name` to distinguish usages." ) if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func): @functools.wraps(func) async def wrapper( *args: typing.Any, **kwargs: typing.Any ) -> typing.Any: req_obj = req_ if not req_obj: req_obj = self.get_request_from_view_args(func, args, kwargs) # NOTE: At this point, argmap may be a Schema, callable, or dict parsed_args = await self.async_parse( argmap, req=req_obj, location=location, unknown=unknown, validate=validate, error_status_code=error_status_code, error_headers=error_headers, ) args, kwargs = self._update_args_kwargs( args, kwargs, parsed_args, as_kwargs, arg_name ) return await func(*args, **kwargs) else: @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args: typing.Any, **kwargs: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: req_obj = req_ if not req_obj: req_obj = self.get_request_from_view_args(func, args, kwargs) # NOTE: At this point, argmap may be a Schema, callable, or dict parsed_args = self.parse( argmap, req=req_obj, location=location, unknown=unknown, validate=validate, error_status_code=error_status_code, error_headers=error_headers, ) args, kwargs = self._update_args_kwargs( args, kwargs, parsed_args, as_kwargs, arg_name ) return func(*args, **kwargs) wrapper.__wrapped__ = func # type: ignore _record_arg_name(wrapper, arg_name) return wrapper return decorator
[docs] def use_kwargs( self, argmap: ArgMap, req: Request | None = None, *, location: str | None = None, unknown: str | None = _UNKNOWN_DEFAULT_PARAM, validate: ValidateArg = None, error_status_code: int | None = None, error_headers: typing.Mapping[str, str] | None = None, ) -> typing.Callable[..., typing.Callable]: """Decorator that injects parsed arguments into a view function or method as keyword arguments. This is a shortcut to :meth:`use_args` with ``as_kwargs=True``. Example usage with Flask: :: @app.route('/echo', methods=['get', 'post']) @parser.use_kwargs({'name': fields.Str()}) def greet(name): return 'Hello ' + name Receives the same ``args`` and ``kwargs`` as :meth:`use_args`. """ return self.use_args( argmap, req=req, as_kwargs=True, location=location, unknown=unknown, validate=validate, error_status_code=error_status_code, error_headers=error_headers, )
[docs] def get_default_arg_name(self, location: str, schema: ArgMap) -> str: """This method provides the rule by which an argument name is derived for :meth:`use_args` if no explicit ``arg_name`` is provided. By default, the format used is ``{location}_args``. Users may override this method to customize the default argument naming scheme. ``schema`` will be the argument map or schema passed to :meth:`use_args` unless a dict was used, in which case it will be the schema derived from that dict. """ return f"{location}_args"
[docs] def location_loader(self, name: str) -> typing.Callable[[C], C]: """Decorator that registers a function for loading a request location. The wrapped function receives a schema and a request. The schema will usually not be relevant, but it's important in some cases -- most notably in order to correctly load multidict values into list fields. Without the schema, there would be no way to know whether to simply `.get()` or `.getall()` from a multidict for a given value. Example: :: from webargs import core parser = core.Parser() @parser.location_loader("name") def load_data(request, schema): return :param str name: The name of the location to register. """ def decorator(func: C) -> C: self.__location_map__[name] = func return func return decorator
[docs] def error_handler(self, func: ErrorHandlerT) -> ErrorHandlerT: """Decorator that registers a custom error handling function. The function should receive the raised error, request object, `marshmallow.Schema` instance used to parse the request, error status code, and headers to use for the error response. Overrides the parser's ``handle_error`` method. Example: :: from webargs import flaskparser parser = flaskparser.FlaskParser() class CustomError(Exception): pass @parser.error_handler def handle_error(error, req, schema, *, error_status_code, error_headers): raise CustomError(error.messages) :param callable func: The error callback to register. """ self.error_callback = func return func
[docs] def pre_load( self, location_data: typing.Mapping, *, schema: ma.Schema, req: Request, location: str, ) -> typing.Mapping: """A method of the parser which can transform data after location loading is done. By default it does nothing, but users can subclass parsers and override this method. """ return location_data
def _handle_invalid_json_error( self, error: json.JSONDecodeError | UnicodeDecodeError, req: Request, *args: typing.Any, **kwargs: typing.Any, ) -> typing.NoReturn: """Internal hook for overriding treatment of JSONDecodeErrors. Invoked by default `load_json` implementation. External parsers can just implement their own behavior for load_json , so this is not part of the public parser API. """ raise error
[docs] def load_json(self, req: Request, schema: ma.Schema) -> typing.Any: """Load JSON from a request object or return `missing` if no value can be found. """ # NOTE: although this implementation is real/concrete and used by # several of the parsers in webargs, it relies on the internal hooks # `_handle_invalid_json_error` and `_raw_load_json` # these methods are not part of the public API and are used to simplify # code sharing amongst the built-in webargs parsers try: return self._raw_load_json(req) except json.JSONDecodeError as exc: if exc.doc == "": return missing return self._handle_invalid_json_error(exc, req) except UnicodeDecodeError as exc: return self._handle_invalid_json_error(exc, req)
[docs] def load_json_or_form(self, req: Request, schema: ma.Schema) -> typing.Any: """Load data from a request, accepting either JSON or form-encoded data. The data will first be loaded as JSON, and, if that fails, it will be loaded as a form post. """ data = self.load_json(req, schema) if data is not missing: return data return self.load_form(req, schema)
# Abstract Methods def _raw_load_json(self, req: Request) -> typing.Any: """Internal hook method for implementing load_json() Get a request body for feeding in to `load_json`, and parse it either using core.parse_json() or similar utilities which raise JSONDecodeErrors. Ensure consistent behavior when encountering decoding errors. The default implementation here simply returns `missing`, and the default implementation of `load_json` above will pass that value through. However, by implementing a "mostly concrete" version of load_json with this as a hook for getting data, we consolidate the logic for handling those JSONDecodeErrors. """ return missing
[docs] def load_querystring(self, req: Request, schema: ma.Schema) -> typing.Any: """Load the query string of a request object or return `missing` if no value can be found. """ return missing
[docs] def load_form(self, req: Request, schema: ma.Schema) -> typing.Any: """Load the form data of a request object or return `missing` if no value can be found. """ return missing
[docs] def load_headers(self, req: Request, schema: ma.Schema) -> typing.Any: """Load the headers or return `missing` if no value can be found.""" return missing
[docs] def load_cookies(self, req: Request, schema: ma.Schema) -> typing.Any: """Load the cookies from the request or return `missing` if no value can be found. """ return missing
[docs] def load_files(self, req: Request, schema: ma.Schema) -> typing.Any: """Load files from the request or return `missing` if no values can be found. """ return missing
[docs] def handle_error( self, error: ValidationError, req: Request, schema: ma.Schema, *, error_status_code: int | None, error_headers: typing.Mapping[str, str] | None, ) -> typing.NoReturn: """Called if an error occurs while parsing args. By default, just logs and raises ``error``. """ logger.error(error) raise error